Sunday, 3 May 2015

I just put three things in the recycling...

Yesterday, this popped up in my Facebook feed. Now, I must admit, I don't pay too much heed to things that announce themselves to me via Facebook, but a minimalist game? I was intrigued and I had a look. I've always felt minimalists to be another species; I feel comfy around stuff, I find clutter reassuring, and all those "just in case" things are there, well, just in case.
Having said that, past attempts to have a tidy-up and sort out have tended to conclude with a single trip to the tip, job done, but the house looks no different. Surely we're not living in a 'Mary Poppin's bag' of a house (although I like the idea), out of which will come never ending streams of stuff?
I'm willing to test the theory, and this seems like a fun way to do it.
So, this month, I will be getting rid of some things every day. Today is day 3, so I have recycled 3 things: 1. a small pile of magazines that I had put to one side "just in case" 2. The box and instructions for my old camera 3. A Christmas bauble craft kit.
I will not bore you with updates on my rubbish every day, but I will keep you updated. (If you follow me on Instagram, I probably will bore you, sorry)
So far I've noted that Sundays will need planning for as charity shops are not open and things need to be out of the house by midnight (which leaves only the recycling or rubbish bin - the latter of which I'm going to try and avoid if possible), and that finding 1, 2 or 3 things is not at all taxing - but I'm sure I won't be feeling as relaxed come the 23rd...


  1. I read that post too. Definitely motivation to clear out some stuff. Usually when I hear myself say "it might come in useful" I know it's best to throw it out!!

  2. Good luck, the last time i went to the dump I came back with a side board and a stool!....The Minimalists are great, I like them. x

  3. I've tended to 'fake' minimalism by hiding piles of stuff in cupboards. I kid myself that yes, I'm a wonderfully tidy person... But the other day I faced up to the denial and began opening and clearing some of those hideaways. It's not all useless - the charity shop will (hopefully) make a decent profit from some of the junk!


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